Detroit Diesel
3650 hp

Promoting the
Good Performance
of 4000 Series

Liebherr T282-B
with 20V4000

Detailed Cummins
- Big Haul Truck Engines
At MINExpo 2000, the big news was
Cummins' QSK78,
an 18 cylinder engine producing 3500 hp. Since then, the
Detroit Diesel 20
cylinder Series 4000 engine
has been released into production, and now reigns as the
world's most powerful haul truck engine.
While Detroit's show engine was not
"dolled up" as pretty as Cummins, this engine has been
"looking good" in service. Many mining companies are
reporting that the 20V4000, and its smaller 16 cylinder
siblings , are performing extremely well. Detroit Diesel
capitalized on the good Series 4000 service history by
advertising its longevity at their display.
The 400 ton Liebherr
T282-B at the show was equipped with a Detroit
The Cummins Display had a lot of beautifully-detailed
mining engines on display. They were a work of art -
particularly the "cut-away" details. Click
here to see a page containing several photos of
this great display.