Hutnyak Consulting
When Dave Hutnyak hears of an exceptionally good conference, he provides details of the conference to people who might be interested in attending. When some of these people cannot attend, detailed reports are written and made available. Although a report cannot take the place of personally attending a conference, considerable effort is made to provide a detailed summary that will be useful.
The reports typically contain: 1) a summary of each presentation, 2) handouts provided by the speakers (included with their permission), 3) summaries of the Question & Answer sessions that follow most presentations and 4) David Hutnyak's personal comments and assessment of the conference.
In May 1999, World Mining Equipment held their "Haulage 2000 II Conference" in Tucson, Arizona. In November 1999, WME held their "Survival 2000 Conference" in Toronto, Ontario Canada. The most recent conference, "Haulage 2001 III", was held March 2001 in Tucson. Hutnyak Consulting issued reports for all these conferences.
The report, "World Mining Equipment Haulage 2000 Conference", contains 83 pages of text plus handouts in the appendices. To view the table of contents, click on this link.
The report, "World Mining Equipment Haulage 2000 Conference", contains 52 pages of text plus 84 pages of handouts in the appendices. To view the table of contents, click on this link. To read a summary of the report, click here.
The report, "World Mining Equipment Survival 2000 Conference", contains 78 pages of text plus 201 pages of handouts in the appendices. To view the table of contents, click on this link. To read an overview of the presentations, click here.
The cost of receiving the report for "Haulage 2002 Conference" is $500, payable in US funds. This price includes express delivery. Previous reports, that were issued more than 12 months ago, are available at a reduced price of only $250 each.
In addition to the normal printed reports, we are offering an electronic version of the "Haulage 2002 Conference" report that is suitable for inclusion on a company's intranet system. If this option interests you, please contact us for details.
Please contact Dave Hutnyak by telephone 775-738-4366, fax 775-738-4377 or e-mail
Copyright 2013 Hutnyak Consulting. All rights reserved. Page last updated 08/24/01.
Hutnyak Consulting 2122 Colonial Drive Elko, Nevada 89801 USA